Review: Wicked Dix by Monica James

Monday, 4 April 2016
Title: Wicked Dix
Author: Monica James
Publisher: Bookouture
Publication Date: 24th March 2016
Pages: 396
Source: Review Copy
Rating: 4/5
Purchase: Amazon
I’ve always been a bad boy, with a very wicked reputation.

But then I met Madison – sweet, vulnerable, innocent Madison. She makes me feel as if there is hope for me. As if I could be a good man. I need her more than I need air to breathe.

There’s just one problem: Juliet. She’s a temptress who won’t take no for an answer. If I resist her, she’ll use our dirty secret to ruin everything with Madison. I don’t want to lose Madison, but can I really change?

This is my chance to prove that I can. But it’s going to be one hell of a ride. Are you ready?

Wicked Dix is the sequel to the newly-named Dirty Dix which I absolutely loved. Dirty Dix ended on an amazing but equally frustrating cliffhanger which meant that I was desperate for this sequel to be released and I couldn't wait to read it once it had landed on my Kindle. All immediate plans of course cancelled. It is so difficult to discuss this book because so much of what I want to say centres around the story, especially because of what happened in the first book (which you have to read before this one) but I'll try anyway.

Dr. Dixon Matthews is madly in love with sweet, vulnerable and innocent Madison. As a self-confessed sex addict, Dixon sees Madison as the woman that could change his life, and turn him from a womaniser into a one-woman man. Not exactly an easy feat. However, there's just one humongous problem in Dixon's way and that comes in the form of possibly one of the most vicious bitches I've ever read about in fiction, Juliet. Dixon can't believe he ever found such an awful person attractive, and his most precious body part practically shrivels up and dies just thinking about her. A temptress who won't take no for an answer, she holds all the cards and has Dixon right where she wants him. Can he and Madison have their happy ever after? It's up to Dixon to prove her can change.

This series is erotica with an actual story. Monica's sex scenes will without a doubt have you all hot and bothered but underneath all that there's one hell of a story to be had here and after how Dirty Dix ended, I was expecting a drama filled rollercoaster ride of a read and that's exactly what I got. Despite the fact I was obviously rooting for Dixon and Madison to possibly have a happy ending, Juliet is such a believable, despicable villain that I couldn't help but be entertained by the lengths that she went to in this story. She is just pure poison and doesn't care who she hurts and that made her a very dangerous and unpredictable person, and allowed for plenty of shockingly brilliant twists to play out. I suppose at times I felt I should feel sorry for Dixon, but at the same time as a sex addict who has used his patients in the past for his own personal (sexual) gain, some might say it's karma catching up with him. At the same time though, he's a character I had no trouble believing in and the change he goes through from Dirty Dix to the end of the story here in Wicked Dix is clear to see.

Wicked Dix is a sequel that delivers on everything it promises in its marketing. It can be an agonising read in places as things play out, and at times I expected one thing and shockingly was given another and so it's a long but hugely entertaining wait to see how things will eventually play out. Be wanted, your emotions will be messed with when reading this book. I read the last page on my Kindle and immediately wanted more, and so hopefully this isn't the last we have heard from this cast of characters. A fantastic read.

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