Inside & Out Book Tag

Thursday, 17 July 2014
I'm trying to add content to my blog other than reviews and book tags seem to be a good way of doing so. I found this tag over on Books, Biscuits and Tea which is a blog I have followed for a long time. The tag was originally created by MathomBooks on YouTube. Feel free to take part if you fancy it.

I Inside flap/Back of the book summaries: Too much info? Or not enough (Discuss)

Hmm. Depends on the book, more often than not a lot of books give away so much information about the plot that it can ruin the first half of the book because you know for example it's leading up to a major plot development or something like that. But at the same time I don't like going into books blind without some idea of what it's about so I do read blurbs a lot of the time!

N New book: What form do you want it in? Be honest: Audiobook, E-Book, Paperback, or Hardcover?

As much as I love a hardback they are an absolute pain to read. It's impossible to get in a comfy position with them and reading them in the bath is almost impossible. Lovely to look at but that's about it. I love eBooks and being able to take my Kindle anywhere but nothing beats a brand new paperback. The feel, the smell, everything. So paperback most of the time but eBooks are so cheap it's usually a case of me buying them more. 

S Scribble while you read? Do you like to write in your books, taking notes, making comments, or do you keep your books clean clean clean? (Tell us why)

Absolutely not, books are to be read not defaced. If I need to make a note of something I'll make it in a notepad. I try not to ruin my books in any way at all, that includes folding pages or bending the spine. If it's a library book I'll bend the hell out of the spine because someone has usually already done it first but hate it when I see that someone has written in it!

I In your best voice, read for us your favorite 1st sentence from a book.

Hmm, I don't think I have one to be honest! No particular book stands out for me from its first sentence apart from Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. Something so simple that you wouldn't have any idea of the magical world you were about to be exposed to and fall in love with if you didn't know what the books were about.

"Mr and Mrs Dursley, of number four, Privet Drive, were proud to say that they were perfectly normal, thank you very much."

D Does it matter to you whether the author is male or female when you're deciding on a book? What if you're unsure of the author's gender? 

I want to say no but thinking about it I guess it does. Most of (in fact nearly all) of my crime fiction reads have been written by males and every chick lit book I've read has been written by females. I don't know why I think it'd be weird for a man to write a chick lit book given that I read them (and know of male authors that do write in the genre) but I don't know how well a man could write a female character given that chick lit is very female oriented in terms of getting inside the character's head and obviously the romance element. 

E Ever read ahead? or have you ever read the last page way before you got there? (Do confess thy sins, foul demon!) :)

I never used to back when I couldn't not finish a book but now, with a to read list I'll be dead before I finish I just can't waste time on crap books and so if there's one I'm not enjoying I will either skim read it or read the last couple of chapters. The last few times I've done this I have realised you could read the first few chapters and the last few chapters and still grasp the story without the rubbish in between. Life is too short to waste on books that you don't love. 


O Organized bookshelves, or Outrageous bookshelves? 

No bookshelves. I keep all of my books in boxes. Weird I know but I don't like clutter or books sitting on shelves gathering dust. Also I only really tend to buy and keep books I will read over and over again and want to keep them in a good condition. I do have a few of my favourite books dotted around my room though and a tbr pile of books I plan to read in that particular week.

U Under oath: have you ever bought a book based on the cover (alone)? 

Yes. Gone by Michael Grant because of its coloured pages which I just loved. I had a general idea what the book was about but even if I didn't I wanted those books and so I bought them! Luckily the Gone series is as amazing as the coloured edges.

T Take it outside to read, or stay in? 

Given that in the UK we get a few weeks of sunshine a year most of my reading is done indoors. I don't particularly like reading outdoors in busy or loud areas as I like silence (or as close as you can get living in a terraced house) whilst reading so tend to just read at home.

If you like the look of this tag then feel free to copy and post on your blog and link it in the comments section as I would love to check them out.

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