Very Inspiring Blogger Award

Friday, 11 July 2014

I received this award three times and from some of my favourite bloggers: Sam from The Book Corner, Tracey from Crime Reader and Margaret from Bleach House Library so thank you! I only started my blog in March of this year and have already interacted with so many amazing bloggers. I'd wanted to make a blog for the longest time but felt put off by the sheer amount of them, after a few weeks of starting my own I was kicking myself for not doing it sooner. No matter how bad your day is it's nice knowing there's this community of book lovers on Twitter who are always there to talk with!

7 Things About Me

1. I hate listing things about myself as I am the most boring person ever

2. I am a Pepsi Max addict

3. I am addicted to US TV shows even though all the best ones have ended (One Tree Hill, Friends, Dexter, Breaking Bad, Gossip Girl, CSI: Miami) but The Vampire Diaries is amazing

4. Cyprus is my favourite place in the whole world

5. I would love to go travelling one day

6. I am a Tube nerd (London Underground)

7. I love sleeping (and would get so much more reading done if I could wake up early)

Most people have been nominated now multiple times so I've decided to just list ten blogs that inspire me, that I love to follow and a few reasons why. In no order:

1. Best Crime Books for being my go to website for crime recommendations. Brilliant reviews and honest too, if a book is crap then she will say so! Also a huge Kimberley Chambers fan like me so deserves points for that!

2. Sharon from Shaz's Book Blog for being one of the busiest bloggers out there! Whether it's a giveaway, an author interview, book news etc you can pretty much see something new every day of the week on this blog.

3. Laura from She Loves to Read for being one of the best and most enthusiastic bloggers out there but for also being an amazing person. I don't know her in real life but I wish I did. She is just such a lovely person and very inspirational too (so perfect for this award)!

4. Becca from Becca's Books for some of the most incredible reviews in the blogging world. They are so enthusiastic and detailed you can tell this is a blogger who really loves what they are doing and wants to share her love of books with everyone.

5. Kevin from I Heart Chick Lit for being the best chick lit blog on the Internet. Amazing reviews and a clear love for books and run by one of the nicest people in the blogging community. A must visit blog for me and one I visited long before setting up my own.

6. Sam from The Book Corner. Very honest and detailed reviews and a clear love for books. Sam is one of my favourite bloggers to follow.

7. Raven from Raven Crime Reads for being one of my go to websites for crime recommendations. Before blogging I'd use Raven's blog when looking for a new read, with honest reviews I've found if Raven says a book is good then it probably is!

8. Victoria from Victoria Loves Books for being the only person that can use GIFs in reviews without making it look annoying and arrogant and for being absolutely hilarious on Twitter. Also for being the biggest and best Harry Potter fan I know. A blogger I followed long before starting my own she's just brilliant. 

9. Megan from Reading In The Sunshine for being one of the nicest people in the blogging world. Another blog I followed before starting my own. Passionate, detailed and honest reviews Megan is a blogger everyone should (and probably already does, follow)!

10. Simran from Sim's Bookish Thoughts. A blogger I think should have a lot more followers! A busy girl who still manages to fit in reading alongside some fantastic reviews. I particularly like the review for The Good Children, not one I would ordinarily choose but reading this review got me interested.


  1. Hi Shaun, thought you really deserved the award, you are always so proactive and the speed you read at is amazing!

    Thanks so much for including me in your 10 blogs!

    I hope that you continue your love of reading and surprise us with new content as much as you do now.

    Great blog, and I always enjoy visiting it.

    Sam x

  2. Well done Shaun. Also lovely to mention others. Keep it up all of you.

  3. Well done Shaun and needless to say I'm always impressed by the sheer scope and volume of your always excellent reviews. A well deserved award! Thanks for mentioning me in your blog list and for the lovely comments :)

  4. Lovely to hear we share so many of the same favourite blogs - and well done on receiving this award - very well deserved!


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