Review: Two Weddings and A Baby by Scarlett Bailey (4/5)

Tuesday, 17 June 2014
Tamsyn Thorne has not been back to her home town of Poldore for five long years.

But now her brother, Ruan, is about to get married and she has no excuses left.

Her plans to arrive in Cornwall looking chic and successful are dashed when a huge storm turns her from fashion goddess to a drowned rat. Worse, she ends up insulting the local hunky vicar – and then finds a tiny baby abandoned in his churchyard…

I've never read any of Scarlett's previous books but fellow bloggers speak very highly of them so I was very excited to read an early copy of this book! The cover and the blurb left me intrigued so I was eager to get started. It took me a while though to get into the book and even longer to like the character of Tamsyn. In the opening pages she comes across as a bit negative and I found her annoying. That said though she did share my pessimistic outlook on life: expect the worst and be surprised when things don't turn out as bad! Ultimately though after finishing the book I felt all of these things helped me to understand her more as a person and as the book went on I actually found her to be such an amazing character, I loved her!

This is actually a continuation of sorts of Scarlett's Just for Christmas which I didn't realise. The book can definitely be read as a standalone but I would've liked to have read the previous book first as I felt I would probably have been more at home in Poldore. I absolutely loved the setting of this book. Despite my introduction to the town being in the middle of one of the worst storms ever, I just loved the small, close knit community that rallied round in a time of crisis to help each other out. There probably aren't many places that would pull together as quickly, efficiently and indeed as willingly as the residents of Poldore. During the storm they seek refuge in an absolutely brilliant setting, a castle with its own moat protecting them from the floods. I loved the scenes inside the castle.

Tamsyn is such an intriguing and multilayered character that despite the negativeness at the beginning I knew deep down there was a lovely and caring person waiting to come out. Reluctant to return to Poldore after leaving because of a tragedy, she returns for the wedding of her brother, who she was once that close to they were like twins. Throughout the book it was the relationship between Tamsyn and Ruan (her brother) that I loved the most. It was just so believable. Another huge character in the book is the local vicar Jed who looks absolutely nothing like Tamsyn thinks a vicar should. Without going into plot details I loved the scenes between him and Tamsyn, especially in the opening chapters where she made some pretty outrageous comments towards him!

Overall this is a hugely enjoyable book that I think people will just love. It has a fantastic setting and brilliant characters alongside a wonderful story that like me you will probably have it read in just under a day. Always the sign of a good book is one that you just storm through. I'm already counting down the days till nearer Christmas so I can read some of Scarlett's earlier books! A very talented author I am happy to have discovered.

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