My Week in Books #12

Sunday, 22 March 2015
Goodreads Target

This Week's Reviews

1. Red Ribbons - Louise Phillips
2. The Mammy - Brendan O'Carroll
3. When Sorrows Come - Matt McGuire
4. The Doll's House - Louise Phillips
5. The Spice Box Letters - Eve Makis
6. The Chisellers - Brendan O'Carroll
7. Last Kiss - Louise Phillips
8. Budapest/48 - Sean Black
9. The Granny - Brendan O'Carroll
10. Peeler - Kevin McCarthy

Books Received This Week

Blogs I've Enjoyed Reading

1. Crime Worm: The Kind Worth Killing - Peter Swanson
2. Raven Crime Reads: Past Crimes - Glen Erik Hamilton
3. Alba in Bookland: Books and the City Spring Blogger Evening
4. Random Things Through My Letterbox: You Belong to Me - Samantha Hayes
5. Crime Fiction Lover: Ugly Bus - Mike Thomas

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the mention Shaun! It's hugely appreciated! I do hope you enjoy The Kind Worth Killing - I await your verdict (though I'm sure you won't be disappointed!) I've definitely got my eyes on Past Crimes and Dry Bones In The Valley - and POSSIBLY The Wrong Girl, although I'm not so sure about that one - I'll investigate! I also won a copy of Jessie Keane's Dangerous, which isn't my usual cuppa, but you need to try something new now and again! I always had it in my head that someone who could write Martina Cole-esque fiction and set it in Glasgow would be on to a winner - maybe I should give it a bash?! Martina is the most borrowed author in prisons, interestingly, so she's obviously getting it right! I've been working on a murder (fictional, obv!) set on Mull, the island I grew up on (Alex Gray's just released one set there! I'm reading it at the mo for a special feature coming soon!) Anyway, thanks again, and see you soon (virtually, obv!)


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