My Week In Books #1

Saturday 3 January 2015
It's hard to believe it's 2015 already, and that I've been blogging for almost 10 months! That time has flown, but in that time I have read so many amazing books and 'met' some fantastic people online, both bloggers and authors. My Week In Books will be a recap of reviews posted on the blog, books I've read, books I've received, upcoming reviews etc and at the end of each post I will list reviews from other blogs that I've enjoyed reading this week (and any other bits and pieces I might feel like adding!).

Goodreads Target

My 2014 target was stupidly low, at just 52 but I wasn't enjoying reading this time last year and had no idea that I would start a blog, let alone that I would read over 200 books! My target for 2015 is 200, perhaps a little ambitious and I don't want to feel pressured but there's so many books I want to read this year that it might be easier than I think, especially as I've read two already!

This Week's Reviews

It's only the 3rd January but I spent December reading, making sure I had plenty of reviews scheduled for the New Year and this week I have posted three reviews. At the end of most of my upcoming reviews I will be adding links to reviews from fellow bloggers which I have enjoyed reading.

1. Lucy Diamond's The Year of Taking Chances (Read Review)

2. Mandasue Heller's Afraid (Read Review)

3. Colette McBeth's The Life I Left Behind (Read Review)

Upcoming Reviews

Next week on the blog I will be posting five reviews, and they will be: Tell No Tales (Eva Dolan), The Girl on the Train (Paula Hawkins), Border Angels (Anthony Quinn), The Last Days of Rabbit Hayes (Anna McPartlin) and Taunting the Dead (Mel Sherratt).

What I'm Reading Now

Despite reading a lot in January I have an alarmingly large TBR which frightens me every time I look at it. There's a couple of books on there though that I cannot wait to read. I am currently reading Matt Hilton's The Lawless Kind, which is book nine of one of my favourite thriller series and I have The Defence (Steve Cavanagh) practically shouting at me to be read, so I think that might be next...

I've also developed a bit of an obsession with Minecraft lately but as I am somewhat of a noob, and because I love collecting books I picked up the Minecraft Complete Handbook Collection which is currently getting me to grips with what is a very addictive game!

Fellow Blogger Reviews

1. Becca's Books - The Curvy Girls Club by Michelle Gorman

2. Northern Crime - Tell No Tales by Eva Dolan

3. Bleach House Library - The Life I Left Behind by Colette McBeth

4. Best Crime Books - The Final Minute by Simon Kernick

5. Books, Biscuits and Tea - The Last Days of Rabbit Hayes by Anna McPartlin


  1. The Defence is great so I would choose that one next ;-) So good to hear you've had a fantastic 10 months blogging, the amount you've read is outstanding. Happy New Year!

  2. I'm reviewing Rabbit Hayes next week too. We are like booktwins at the mo ;)

  3. Rabbit Hayes is amazing. I hope you enjoy it :) x


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