My Week in Books #4

Saturday, 24 January 2015
Goodreads Target/Read This Week

Book of the Week: Summer at Little Beach Street Bakery - Jenny Colgan

This Week's Reviews and Posts

1. Bleach House Library's #IrishFictionFortnight TBR

2. The Missing - Chris Mooney

3. The Twelve - Stuart Neville

4. The Toy Taker - Luke Delaney

5. Private Vegas - James Patterson

6. Taboo - Casey Hill

7. I was also featured on Isabell's blog, Dreaming With Open Eyes as part of Friends Friday!

Books Received/Bought/Borrowed

I think only fellow book lovers will understand how you feel when one of your most anticipated books is released, but to receive it early is just.. I can't even put it into words. Anyone that follows my blog knows that I love Kimberley Chambers, so this was a very special book post!

If you read my last Week in Books you'll have read about the mysterious black envelopes I was sent in the post. The mystery was solved this week when I received a padded black box with this inside! Very exciting indeed.

Also received:

Upcoming Reviews (subject to change)

Lots of reviews scheduled and currently next week looks like this: Guest post from Colette McBeth, The Ice Twins (S.K. Tremayne), The Secret Friend (Chris Mooney), Hangman (Stephan Talty), The Lawless Kind (Matt Hilton). I keep changing the last two to post other reviews (oops)!

Blogs I've Enjoyed Reading This Week

1. Raven Crime Reads - A Killing Winter - Tom Callaghan

2. Cleopatra Loves Books - Gone - Rebecca Muddiman

3. Bookaholic Confessions - The Girl on the Train - Paula Hawkins

4. Chick Lit Uncovered - The Year of Taking Chances - Lucy Diamond

5. (Soon to be author!) Becca's Books - Surviving the Rachel - Aven Ellis

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