Review: Cherish by Tracey Garvis Graves

Thursday 29 January 2015
Title: Cherish (Covet, #1.5)
Author: Tracey Garvis Graves
Publication Date: 17th October 2014
Pages: 140
ISBN: 9781500739904
Source: Purchased
Rating: 5/5
Purchase: Amazon
When Daniel Rush wakes up in the hospital after suffering a gunshot wound to the head, the last person he expects to see at his bedside is his ex-wife Jessica. Their marriage disintegrated after the death of their infant son Gabriel, and Daniel gave Jessie what he thought she wanted: the freedom to start over with someone else. But Daniel never updated his emergency contact information, and Jessie is the one who receives the call with the devastating news.

Daniel was Jessie’s one true love. Together since college, Jessie had dreams of raising a family with Daniel, and growing old together. When Gabriel died, Jessie buried those dreams with her beloved son and shut everyone out, including Daniel.

Daniel faces months of grueling rehabilitation and he’s going to need some help. Jessie is the last person anyone expects to volunteer, but this is her one chance to make amends, giving her and Daniel a shot at getting things right this time.

The road to recovery will be long and arduous. But with Jessie leading the way, Daniel just might be able to get his old life back.

Daniel knows how to covet. But can Jessie help him remember how to cherish?

Do not read this review if you plan on reading Covet. My reviews for Tracey's other books can be found here

In 2012 I picked up a book on a whim, On the Island by Tracey Garvis Graves. That book is now one of my all-time favourites. 2013 saw the release of Covet, and once again I finished it speechless and with the knowledge that it would be a book I would never forget. I contacted Tracey via Goodreads to share my review with her, something I have never felt compelled to do and the fact she read my review was fantastic, but she actually shared with me some secrets about the book that not many people at the time knew, it was an alternate ending to Covet and I felt very privileged and found it a little bit exciting to be told something like that. That experience was one of the reasons I set up this blog in the first place, connecting with an author like that is just incredible, and something only other book lovers will 'get'!

You really have to have read Covet before Cherish, as it continues the story of Daniel. A policeman who was shot in the line of duty at the end of Covet and when I finished that book, I wasn't the only reader left desperate to know what happened to Daniel in the aftermath. Cherish is a novella, so I can't speak about the story too much, apart from to say that most people will have an idea of where it goes, but let me tell you that it is done in the most beautiful way, and this short story really is one of the most perfect, poignant and incredible love stories that I have ever read. I completely fell in love with both characters myself, and reached the book's conclusion long before I wanted to. There aren't any spectacular scenes in an 'action' sense, it's very understated and there's a real beauty to the way this story is told. It's a story about two people, not falling back in love as they never fell out of it, but it is almost like that. As Jess nurses Daniel back to full health, and his memories start to come back, and our two characters finally start to tell each other how they feel, well, it's just wonderful. The book did almost make me cry, but in a good way as there are some really touching moments throughout. And I loved the mentions of Claire and Chris as well. 

The characters of Daniel and Jess felt so real, the book itself didn't feel fictional and this is something I have said about each of Tracey's books that I have read. I've read over 400 books since On the Island and a couple of hundred since Covet (and Uncharted) but I could tell you everything about those books despite having only read them once, and that's because of Tracey's ability to tell a story that remains with the reader for a long, long time and I am so glad that Cherish was everything that I wanted it to be and more. This is very much a book for the fans, but also one that new readers of Covet will have ready to pick up once they finish it. I could praise Tracey and her books all night, but really, I've said it all before. I feel like I've found something special with Tracey's books, and really mean it when I say that she's one of my favourite authors and that when I recommend one of her books, it's in a 'read them now!' kind of way and not add them to a TBR that you'll never get through. With that said, if you do have Tracey's books on your TBR then I would advise you to move them to the very top. In fact, start one today! You definitely will not regret it. 


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