Author Interview: Lindsey Kelk

Thursday, 7 May 2015

Today I am like a kid at Christmas as I am so excited to be part of the blog tour for Lindsey Kelk's latest book Always the Bridesmaid. You can read my review (my 100th of the year!) here. Also be sure to check out the other stops on the tour.

I think Lindsey has been asked every question going so it was hard to think of good ones, but hopefully you enjoy reading them!

1. Do you get more or less nervous with the release of each book? Can you believe Always the Bridesmaid is your tenth full-length novel?

Oh god, more! I often tell people writing is the only job I’ve ever had where the longer I do it and the more successful I become, the more anxious it makes me. Every time there’s more pressure, I can’t cope! It’s insane to me that this is the tenth book, I still feel like a total chancer. Every time I start writing, it’s as though I’ve forgotten how I did it last time.

2. The blurb gives an idea of what Always the Bridesmaid is about, is there anything you can tell us about the book or Maddie that the blurb doesn't?

It’s funny because, to me, the book really isn’t about being a bridesmaid. It’s more a play on that term – yes, Maddie is asked to be a bridesmaid in the book but the overall idea is that she’s always playing second best in life, to her friends, at her job, in her relationships. I think that’s something we can all relate to at one point or another.

And yes, I can tell you Maddie loves gin and Taylor Swift which might not be in the blurb but if you've ever read my twitter feed, you’ll see where that comes from.

3. Do you always know the beginning, middle and end of your books? I often read them changing my mind about what outcome I want, so wondering if you are the same!

I know the beginning and I kind of know the end. The middle sixty thousand words are a complete mystery! It’s pretty bloody scary to be honest.

4. What is the best thing about being an author?

The freedom and the creativity. I love having a flexible schedule that means I can go off on adventures and I love creating new worlds and lives I never lived in my imagination. I just love telling stories and it blows me away that I can do that for a living.

5. I don't know if you've ever been asked, but seeing as your books would make amazing movies, who are some of the stars you could see playing particular characters?

I have been asked actually! And I’m terrible at choosing. To me, they’re all real people in my head so when I try to cast actors to play them, I can’t, no one is quite right. I love hearing other people’s suggestions though!

6. Have you found it difficult writing certain books more than others? And do you have a particular favourite?

I find them all difficult in different ways but Always the Bridesmaid was the hardest. I unexpectedly lost my mum while I was halfway through writing and I really thought I wouldn’t get it finished, or that I would and it would be dreadful and completely unreadable. But one of the last conversations we had was her telling me off for flying from NYC to see her in hospital when I had a deadline to meet, so I knew she’d want me to get it done and get it done well. Hopefully, I’ve managed that for her.

At the same time, Always the Bridesmaid is one of my favourite books. I love writing new characters and I love working through issues in a way that I can’t in my every day life. Maddie certainly gave me a shot at that!

7. From New York to LA: what's the best and worst thing you have found about each place? Or the biggest difference between them?

New York is incredible, the best city in the entire world as far as I’m concerned. I will always, always love it completely. But it’s also expensive and exhausting and aggressive – unless you’re a billionaire or a supermodel, it’s not an easy place to live and it’s only getting harder. I can’t even begin to imagine how I would survive if I were just moving there now.

LA has amazing weather, the beach and lots of my friends, so it seemed like a good time to jump off the treadmill and take some time out. That’s the biggest difference, New York is so competitive and aggressive, LA is a lot more laid back. How can you be angry at nothing when the beach is only half an hour away? You can’t, fact.

8. What do you do to celebrate publication day? Apart from being amazing, signing books and seeing them fly off the shelves?

Ha! Last year I treated myself to an early night… this year, my book comes out on election day so we’ll see what happens there. Sometimes I use it as an excuse to buy myself something obscenely expensive because obviously, I need an excuse.

9. You are spoiling us with two books a year, as my favourite Chick Lit author can I assume you will be writing forever? (Or, a long time to sound less stalkerish).

Ha! It pays the bills, I’m in no rush to stop. You’re stuck with me for a while yet.

10. How is Angela?! I miss her.

She says to tell you she’s very well, very busy with work and bored of hearing Jenny go on about her new boyfriend. She’s just working through some projects and then she’ll be back as soon as possible.

Thanks to Lindsey for answering these questions! 

About Lindsey Kelk

Previously a children’s book editor and columnist for Marie Claire, Lindsey is now a full-time writer and lives in the US, where she has just relocated from New York to LA. She is a forthright and humorous commentator on everything from pressure on women to have children, to dating in the Big Apple, and her journalism has appeared across the national press.

She is published in 22 countries and has sold over 1 million books worldwide. An early adopter of social media, Lindsey has an army of thirty thousand dedicated followers on Facebook and Twitter. She has written nine novels, including the bestselling I Heart... series and The Single Girl’s To Do List, and her latest novels, About a Girl and What A Girl Wants were both Sunday Times top ten bestsellers.

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