Author Interview: Rachael Lucas

Friday, 22 May 2015
Today I am sharing a Q&A with Rachael Lucas. Her new novel Coming Up Roses was released yesterday and as you can see from my review, I really enjoyed it! I hope you enjoy reading the Q&A.

1. You had your own gardening blog before becoming a full-time writer, what is it about gardening that you love so much? It seems to be a bit of a trend in Women's Fiction at the minute!

I have always enjoyed being outside and seeing things grow is very rewarding. It also means my children tend to leave me alone in case I ask them to help, so I get time to think!

2. What are some top tips you would give to anybody wanting to get into gardening? My only experience is looking after my grandad's garden when my grandparents go away on holiday and that's pretty nerve-wracking!

Start with something small like a couple of little pots - get some mixed seeds and give it a go. It's really easy to do and in a few weeks you'll have a gorgeous planter full of flowers! Or grow some courgettes in a grow bag - they're simple and yet you end up with something really delicious and feel virtuous and gardener-ish.

3. Is there anything you can tell us about Coming Up Roses or the character of Daisy that we wouldn't find out from the blurb?

It originally featured another character called Coral who set up a business with Elaine. I like to think that she is still wandering around the village somewhere having a cup of tea with the other three and gossiping...

4. The setting in Coming Up Roses is beautifully captured and there are some truly wonderful characters. In terms of the storyline did you know how it would go from beginning to end or did things change as you wrote?

I had a pretty good idea of how it was going to end, and I knew the key scenes that would get me there, so it was just a case of jumping from one scene to the next and seeing where the characters took me. That bit is always the exciting part!

5. What does a typical writing day look like for you? When you are younger it can seem like a bit of an idyllic job yet I know now that the opposite is probably true!

I don't write well until around 2pm which is really badly timed when you have four children! Luckily my partner is a writer too and at the moment he is being a stay at home dad whilst I concentrate on finishing my next book, before I take over the reins and he disappears into the study to write. Unfortunately I like total silence to write which doesn't work well in a house full of music, Minecraft and sword fights, so we have recently taken on a little writing room in an art studio nearby. I'm planning to spend a lot of time there (with NO wifi!).

6. I am yet to read Sealed with a Kiss but I know it was a hit amongst some of my favourite bloggers. Does that make you more or less nervous about the release of and reaction to Coming Up Roses?

It makes me very nervous - because Sealed with a Kiss has been loved by loads of people (it has been downloaded over 130,000 times) so I am biting my nails hoping they'll like it. On release day I might just avoid the internet!

7. You have spent a lot of time travelling and living in various different places around the world. Do you have a favourite place or any exciting stories about them you can share with us?

My favourite place is the Highlands of Scotland. It's in my blood and when I'm there I feel completely at home.

8. You run writing workshops and offer creative coaching and now write full-time as well. Do you have much time for reading yourself? And if so, what do you like to read?

Yes I read all the time! I read a lot of YA because in my head I'm basically still about seventeen and I've recently discovered historical fiction so I think I'm going to spend the summer immersed in that. I don't see reading as optional for a writer, I see it as essential - so I often take days where I just sit and read all day and I still get to call it work!

9. A lot of people finish an author's latest book and want more straightaway, are you working on anything at the minute?

Yes, I'm working on next year's book for Pan Macmillan which is set back on the same island as Sealed with a Kiss. It features a hair stylist from a top salon who is cornered by family obligation into spending eight weeks there looking after her aunt's tiny hairdresser and some familiar faces from Sealed with a Kiss as well as some new ones. I'm also working on a YA novel called The State of Grace which will be out next year.

Thanks to Rachael Lucas for answering these questions!

About Rachael Lucas

A copy and paste job won't cut it here as Rachael's bio on her website is a lot more fun to read! So check it out!

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