New Author Month (July)

Wednesday, 17 June 2015
I think one of my favourite bloggers Kat, from Best Crime Books and More must be a bit of a mind reader because no sooner had I finished two books from 'new' (to me) authors she asked whether I would be interested in a month where we read authors who are new to us.

Like Kat I do jump on the bandwagon somewhat, and hate it when everybody is talking about an author I haven't read because I want to know what is so good about the author or the book. I have a never ending list of authors I want to read (but should be able to narrow it down) and I'll post a blog post soon featuring some of the authors I am planning to read, and also some of the authors I think you should read.

During July it's simple: Kat and I will read at least one book each week by an author we haven't previously read and then review and shout about that author. Or, in my case, go ahead and devour the other books in the series (my plan is to read authors who have at least one other book for me to read so I'm not impatiently waiting for the next)!

If you would like to get involved all you need to do is pick an author you haven't read before, perhaps one who has been on your TBR for a while or one who has been recommended to you and then choose a book and read it from July 1st onwards! And discuss progress on Twitter using the hashtag #NewAuthorForMe so everybody can see what you are reading. And of course if you blog then post a review.

Leave a comment if you are going to get involved and let us know what authors and books you are planning on reading.


  1. Great idea very happy to join in July will be the month for New to me authors have a few new to me authors one is for a blog tour Alexandra sokoloff, chris cater (you recommend this author Shaun to me but still on my TBR list ) and Sarah Hilary to name a few. Can't wait to read ur post might pinch some of your authors.

  2. Shaun....Kerry Wilkinson is on my list already.....


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