#NewAuthorForMe: Who I'm Reading

Sunday, 21 June 2015

July is almost upon us (how?!) and me and Kat from Best Crime Books and More, and anybody else who will be joining in, will be spending the month reading new (and old) authors. I have so many books and authors on my TBR that I can't possibly get through them all in July but I have chosen some authors who I want to read the most (and who I already have on my Kindle TBR!)

Clive Cussler

It's so hard to know where to start with Clive's books but given that I love Boyd Morrison's books I'm going to read the co-written Piranha first. The covers for Clive's books standout so much on bookshelves (where I first noticed them) and because he's written so many I think it's going to be a case of just picking random ones to read rather than trying to read in order!

Tom Wood

Yet another author people go crazy over but one that I am yet to read. I think this is a series that shouldn't take me all that long to read so don't be surprised if you see a couple of Tom Wood reviews on the blog soon!

Kathryn Fox & Katherine Howell

I want to read more crime fiction set in Australia or by Australian authors and the two authors below have been on my TBR for a while. I have previously read the author Leah Giarratano whose crime fiction books are set in Australia and I loved them. 

Ed Chatterton & Martin Edwards

I am from Liverpool and wish there was more crime fiction set in the area and so when Luca Veste mentioned the two authors below I immediately added them to my TBR. Clearly I didn't do my research very well as Martin Edwards' books are nearly older then me!

James Oswald

Another crime author I am ashamed to say I haven't read yet. Stuart MacBride is one of my favourite crime authors and James Oswald's books come highly recommended so I hope they don't disappoint.

Will Jordan

Sean Black and Matt Hilton are two of my favourite thriller writers and so I am constantly on the lookout for authors to fill the void in between waiting for their new releases! Will Jordan is an author I came across on Fantastic Fiction so I'm looking forward to reading his books.

Brad Thor, Brad Taylor & Marc Cameron

I have always wanted to read political thrillers but they are just something I've never gotten round to. I think I'm just going to pick some of these authors' books that sound good and give them a go!

What authors have you got on your #NewAuthorForMe TBR and have you read any of the above! Leave a comment and let me know! 

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