Review: Dead Gone by Luca Veste (5/5)

Friday, 28 March 2014
So crime fiction is my favourite kind of fiction. There just doesn't seem to be much of it set in Liverpool. All I can find are really old books or books which don't sound all that great... So a few months ago when I heard about Luca Veste's Liverpool based crime book I was really excited, I then read the blurb and was even more excited! Definitely my cup of tea and then some. I cheekily tried to get an early copy but had to settle for buying on release day! I am only now writing the review for it and I'm sure I'll forget half of what I wanted to say...

I did A Level Psychology and I tried but struggled with it at university. Me, statistics and SPSS? Mortal enemies. I still have nightmares about variance, reliability and the rest of that bollocks... Anyway when I started A Level Psychology the one thing I loved was reading about experiments, and a lot of them are mentioned in this book. The only difference? Somebody is carrying them out for real along with their own experiments and DI David Murphy is on the case to find out who. 

Got to say that Luca has created a fantastic character here. He was definitely a highlight of the book and I loved learning about his life and what made him the man he is. I am very much looking forward to reading about him in the future. Working alongside David is DC Laura Rossi who was another fantastic, unique character. I loved following these two characters across the city as they tried to find out who was responsible for the murders. There's plenty of clues along the way but there are also plenty of red herrings. All of which lead to the dramatic conclusion of which I read late into the night as I could not read quick enough.

I will read crime fiction set anywhere in the world, but one thing I like is when the city the book is set in is also a character in the book. Some authors set their work in a certain city or country but other than a few place names it could be set anywhere. I felt that this was very much a Liverpool book and the city came alive within its pages. I absolutely loved being able to picture the places described in this book as I have been there myself! One of the characters within lives around the corner from me! Liverpool was very much a character in this book and I loved it.

I was ecstatic when I heard about this book being set in Liverpool but I am now euphoric that the quality of it is as high as this. Let's not forget that this is a debut novel, some of the best authors in the world started off with dodgy first books. This one is anything but and so I predict that book number two is going to be something amazing! And I for one am counting down the days until its release. That book is 'The Dying Place' and the release is December 2014.

You can buy Dead Gone in paperback or on Kindle

Follow the author on Twitter or find out more about him on his website.

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