Review: Dream a Little Dream by Giovanna Fletcher

Monday, 6 July 2015
Title: Dream a Little Dream
Author: Giovanna Fletcher
Publisher: Penguin
Publication Date: 18th June 2015
Pages: 432
ISBN: 9781405919166
Source: Purchased
Rating: 5/5
Purchase: Amazon
Sarah is doing just fine. Sure she's been single for the last five years, and has to spend an uncomfortable amount of time around her ex-boyfriend, his perfect new girlfriend and all their mutual friends. And yes, her job as a PA to one of the most disgusting men in London is mind-numbingly tedious and her career is a constant disappointment to her mother. But it's really okay. She's happy (ish).

So it's not surprising that when Sarah starts dreaming about a handsome stranger, she begins to look forward to falling asleep every night. Reality isn't nearly as exciting. That is until her dream-stranger makes an unexpected real-life appearance, leaving Sarah questioning everything she thought she wanted.

Because no one ever really finds the person of their dreams... do they?

I read Giovanna Fletcher's You're the One That I Want in January of this year and 140 or so books later, it is still one of my most memorable 2015 reads. I was incredibly excited for the release of Dream a Little Dream and saved it for my holiday as I knew I would want to read it with no distractions. It was such an enjoyable read, and easily one of my favourite books of the year so far.

Sarah is muddling along just fine despite being single for five years, being a disappointment to her mother and having to cope with her ex-boyfriend and his perfect new girlfriend being a part of her friendship group. Plus she doesn't feel like she is fulfilling her potential at her mind-numbingly tedious job. I remember when I used to watch the Friends episode The One Where They All Turn Thirty and laugh at some of the exaggerated responses to turning the dreaded age and then I watched the episode a few weeks ago as a 25-year-old and found it less funny than I did as a teenager. I did find myself relating to Sarah a little bit as she witnesses those around her achieving more whether in work or their personal lives.

Sarah soon starts dreaming about a face from her past, some of the dreams being a little, let's just say, highly charged. When she is overlooked for a promotion at work for somebody new the last person she expects to see walk into the office is Brett, the man from her dreams, albeit an older, less perfect version. Sarah soon has to contend with two Bretts: Dream Brett and Real Brett. I absolutely loved the idea for this book. I sometimes have quite vivid dreams and then all the next day I can't get that one person who was in the dream out of my head. But I think continually dreaming about the one person would drive me mad and to actually have to then see them on a daily basis even more so. Sarah's vivid dreams often feature celebrities in some highly amusing situations (something that another reviewer called 'namedropping', erm it's a dream within a fiction novel!) and there might even be a fleeting appearance from a certain Mr. Fletcher in one of the dreams. As the book progresses Sarah nearly loses a grip on what she's dreamed and what's actually happening in real life which does make for some potentially embarrassing moments. You can't help but laugh whilst at the same time feel a little sorry for Sarah. 

One of the things I loved most about the story was how natural the whole thing felt, and how well the whole story flowed. Nothing that happened between Sarah and Real Brett felt forced, instead it starts as a new friendship which begins to flourish and develop quite realistically and there's so many moments between the pair that I just loved. Readers will definitely end up wanting their very own Brett. It was also so enjoyable to witness how Sarah changes for the better. Becoming stronger in herself, believing in herself and finally pushing herself to achieve her dreams. I am one of those people that will sit there and just expect things to miraculously get better without me doing anything about it and so I was a little jealous of Sarah at some points in the story, but incredibly happy for her at the same time. Say no more. Sarah is a character that readers can really believe in, and she is at times quite inspirational and she might finally give me that push to change my own life.

One of the underlying messages throughout Dream a Little Dream is the power of love and friendship. Sarah has such a close knit group of friends that it is really heartwarming to witness. Each character brings something to the story and really help Sarah find that resolution that she needs. Her friendship with Carly was a highlight, and then Giovanna knocks readers for six with where that story went, but it is written with real sensitivity that endeared me to the characters even more, and had me believing in their friendships as if I knew them personally. It says a lot about the kind of person Sarah is, and shows just how important friends are.

There are so many scenes and funny moments throughout the book I wish I could talk about but as always it is best to discover them yourself. As the book neared its conclusion I was left wondering just how things were ultimately going to end. You're the One That I Want had an ending I wasn't expecting, but one that I actually thought made more sense whereas Dream a Little Dream had an ending that was absolute perfection. In fact, the whole book was. Giovanna has a distinctive writing style, and she seems to be going from strength to strength with each book that she releases. Dream a Little Dream is a book I have no hesitation in recommending, and it's one that everybody should be buying this summer. It would also be brilliant as a film. Up next for me is Billy and Me and I can't wait to read it.


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