Review: Flirting In Florence by Aimée Duffy (5/5)

Sunday, 24 August 2014
Part 6 of Summer Flings – a fun, flirty and laugh out loud Rom-Com series of short stories.

Instead of hitting the designer shops with her friends, Ciara’s all about proving Florence can be enjoyed on a budget – and she isn’t talking about the sexy Italians Elle and Gem pick up for the duration.

One-on-one with Zack is getting too intense so she plans a grape-squishing trip to a vineyard hoping to leave her problems back in the city.

Of course her doomed affair is the least of her worries when her friendship with his cousin is on the line.

The ideal summer treat for those relaxing days soaking up the sun!

OMG that ending! I imagine the wait for Deliver Us To Dublin is going to be torture. Part of me wishes this had been released as a full length novel yet releasing them in parts was a very, very good idea. The covers and titles are fantastic but also because the books can end on a cliffhanger meaning the reader is almost guaranteed to return. 

As this is the penultimate book in the series it's getting harder to review for two reasons. One because I'm just repeating myself by saying how good the series is (but it really is). Aimée has managed to make each book better and more addictive than the last and two because if you haven't read the previous books it's hard to discuss the story too much without giving it away (but don't read on if you haven't). 

Ciara and Zack in Florence are almost like an actual couple. They have amazing sex, share the same interests and are literally just perfect for each other except Ciara seems to have some issues which have been alluded to in previous books but it's only in this book that we fully find out what they are. Events lead towards a dramatic conclusion, two arguments and a cliffhanger that leaves you wanting the next installment right away. 

I've said all along I've had an idea how the series will end but that Aimée would throw in some shocks before the conclusion and she definitely has. I was particularly annoyed at Elle's behaviour in this book and found her to be a bit annoying. Her and Gem have been good in the background but I'm hoping Deliver Us To Dublin is heavily focused on Ciara and Zack and will it get the ending I'm wanting? I can't wait to find out!

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