Review: Point Us To Paris by Aimée Duffy (4/5)

Wednesday, 13 August 2014
Part 3 of Summer Flings – a fun, flirty and laugh out loud Rom-Com series of short stories.

Ciara would rather be anywhere else in the world than Paris. All the gooey eyed couples and handholding are making her miserable.

Elle doesn’t have time for moping – not when she’s got the three of them on the guest list of an exclusive club.

So Ciara tries her best to enjoy the free champagne, the loft party looking over The Sienne and a little harmless sexting – until they realize they’ve stumbled into a nightmare none of them were prepared for.

The ideal summer treat for those relaxing days soaking up the sun!

Okay so I don't like Paris but I did really like this book. I think that's more to do with Aimée's writing and the characters that she has created more than the city itself though... This installment to me felt shorter than the others, or maybe it's the fact that I'm now so addicted to the series that I'm reading them too fast. Either way this installment was just as exciting as the last and as with the previous two ends on a cliffhanger leaving you desperate to have the next one which given that the point of releasing them this way is to achieve that, well it's job well done! 

Ciara would love to be anywhere other than Paris as she is trying to forget Zack and seeing all the loved up couples that flock to the city isn't really going to help with that. Despite the fact that it's glaringly obvious how perfect Ciara and Zack are for each other (he calls her Ireland fgs) she is adamant that she doesn't want a relationship and is happy to settle for a holiday romance. Gem and Elle are determined to show Ciara a good time whilst in Paris but once again something happens which leaves you wanting to shake some sense into Ciara (though that's probably the superficial side of me). That said I am loving the character development of Ciara after the three books, the way she has been brought up and her past has made her the way she is and she's definitely an intriguing character. 

If you thought the events of the previous books were eventful then the ones here are even more so. A series of funny and ridiculous situations leading towards the books frustrating yet exciting cliffhanger. I'm especially excited for the next book given that it takes place in Greece. Because the books are so short certain elements can feel a bit rushed, however the books are still immensely enjoyable and are perfect Summer reads as they can be read in around half an hour. Can't wait to see where the story goes next and I've got my fingers crossed that the eventual conclusion to the series is the one I am hoping for!

Thanks to Aimée for the review copy

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