30 Day Book Challenge - Day 3: Favourite Book of my Favourite Series

Wednesday, 23 April 2014

This is my favourite Harry Potter book and probably one of my favourite books of all time. The final few chapters, as with all Harry Potter books (barring The Epilogue I Pretend Doesn't Exist in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows) are some of the best chapters in any book, ever.

Despite all that's going on in the story Goblet of Fire is the book where I love Hogwarts the most and the time when I really wish it was real and that I was a student there. I LOVE Harry, Ron and Hermione. The one thing about this book I used to hate is when Harry and Ron fall out, I just never liked those parts of the book! Other than that though if ever there was a perfect book it's this one. The Quidditch World Cup, the Tri-Wizard tournament, the students from other schools! It's just a fantastic book. It was the book I just loved to escape into when I was younger.

I could easily read this book again the minute I finish it. Every single page should be ingrained in my memory by now I've read it so many times, and I can still remember the day I bought it and the very first time I sat down to read it. The very first copy I have of this is yellowed and battered due to the amount of times it has been read, luckily now with Kindle, damage to books because of overuse isn't noticeable. It disappoints me when I read one star reviews for Harry Potter but especially when I read them for this book, say what you want about HP but this book is not a one star book. I just hope the enjoyment I get out of reading it never fades.

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