Review: Dark Vision by Debbie Johnson (4/5)

Monday, 7 April 2014
Lily McCain is cursed.

With just one touch she can see a person’s future, whether it’s a good fortune or a terrible fate. Afraid of the potent visions she foresees, she distances herself from the world, succumbing to a life of solitude.

But at the touch of a mysterious stranger – who has powers of his own – Lily sees a new, chilling future for herself: one where she is fated to make a terrible choice...

Okay first things first I wanted to read this book mostly because it was set in Liverpool and to support a local author. There just doesn't seem to be enough fiction set in Liverpool for me. I love family sagas but sometimes I want to read about something in the present day. The book however is fantasy and whilst this isn't my number one genre of choice after reading it I'm glad I did as it just shows you can move out of your comfort zone and still enjoy a book!

I love the True Blood series of books and one of my favourite TV shows is The Vampire Diaries. I did like Twilight but the films just destroyed it for me and Bella's constant me me me also put me off. So I have read and enjoyed books similar to this in the past it's just not a book that I'm an expert in. On Debbie's Amazon page it has a Guardian quote which says: '...a deftly told entertainment that shows there is certainly room in the world for a Liverpudlian Charlaine Harris.' And that's certainly something I would agree with. When I read Luca Veste's DEAD GONE I said I was ecstatic that a Liverpool based book was so good and it's the same here, this was a fantastic read. It wasn't just set in Liverpool however!

I loved Lily McCain, feisty and fearless she's definitely somebody I could be friends with in real life. The book had plenty of twists that kept me turning the pages wanting to read more. There's also humour in the book but alongside that real believability in the characters that she has created. I loved Carmel and Gabriel. It'd be all to easy for an author in this genre to just rewrite characters based on what we've had before but Debbie doesn't do that and has instead created her own, very unique set. Lily and Carmel are very believable, girls who can stand on their own two feet rather than weak, simpering females who need a man to come along and protect them.

Now having read Tom Slemen's HAUNTED LIVERPOOL series since I was a young teenager I know Liverpool is full of ghosts and the paranormal. I will however be especially wary walking around the city at night after reading this book! It was very enjoyable to read a book like this actually set in the city I was born and live, being able to recognise the places. I also never thought I'd read a fantasy book featuring vampires and the like which would have the word scousebrow in it! Hilarious. Debbie Johnson has written a fantastic book here and I personally cannot wait for book two. You don't necessarily have to be an urban fantasy connoisseur to enjoy this book, just somebody who likes to move from their comfort zone now and again and read a great book. 

You can buy DARK VISION now from Amazon

And follow Debbie on Twitter

Thanks to Debbie for the review copy.

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